Author: Mira Jane

Setting Up The New Traeger Smoker

Setting Up The New Traeger Smoker

There’s nothing like the melt in your mouth sensation of smoked meats. Yes, you can purchase them at restaurants but when you have the opportunity to have them at someone’s house from their smoker,...

New Tesla Service Center, Santa Fe NM

New Tesla Service Center, Santa Fe NM

Living in New Mexico and owning a Tesla was a little scary at first because our state did not have a service center. I bought my Tesla Model 3 in 2019 and it hasnt...

Weekend Trip to Colorado Springs

This weekend’s getaway is a nice little weekend trip to Colorado. There is so much to do in Colorado but this weekend was a relaxing, sight seeing, road trip. THE MASON JAR RESTAURANT First...

Sunday at the Corrales Growers Market

There is a little growers market nestled in the middle of Corrales NM that sells all kinds of native New Mexico items, fresh produce, and even some delicious breakfast burritos. I took a little...