Monthly Archive: February 2020

Quiche for Breakfast

Welp, Im getting tired of eating oatmeal for breakfast and since Im trying to stay light and high protein making something more savory sounded good. My mom made us quiche all the time for...

Valentines Treats

I love making little treats for various holidays and giving to people. I was planning on getting all the ingredients for some fun Valentines Day treats earlier this week but instead couldn’t get to...

Mom’s Easy Meatball Sauce

Growing up my mom would make us all kinds of tasty things. As I grew older, and was around more people, I realized the type of food my mom would make us was different...

Our Thor RV

We sure do love to travel and over the years we have flown to a lot of places, experienced airports, hotels, amusement parks, wild excursions, and had a lot of fun. After many years,...