Quiche for Breakfast

Welp, Im getting tired of eating oatmeal for breakfast and since Im trying to stay light and high protein making something more savory sounded good.

My mom made us quiche all the time for dinner growing up. We all loved it and Ive continued to make it into adulthood. Ive changed it a little so its not as heavy.

There’s so many variations you can do with a quiche. Today I made it with some crab and spinach mmmmm. Quick and easy here it is.

Preheat oven @375. Beat 5 eggs, one at a time. Add onion, salt, pepper, and dairy free milk until combined

Drain canned spinach thoroughly and cube imitation crab

Grate the almond cheese and place that first into raw pie shell

Then add the spinach, crab, and the egg mixture

Bake at 375 degrees for 1 hour. mmmmm sooo good!



  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup non dairy milk
  • 1 TBS chopped onion
  • 1 Tsp salt
  • 1 Tsp pepper
  • 1 can spinach, drained
  • 1 package imitation crab
  • 1 cup shredded Almond Cheese
  • 1 pie crust


  1. Preheat oven @ 375 degrees
  2. In a medium bowl, beat eggs one at a time with a whisk
  3. add onion, salt, pepper, and non dairy milk and stir until combined. set aside
  4. place pie crust in a pie dish
  5. add the almond cheese to unbaked pie crust
  6. add the spinach
  7. add the crab
  8. pour the egg mixture over everything in the pie dish
  9. Place in preheated oven and bake for 1 hour

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1 Response

  1. Linda Copeland says:

    Cannot wait to try the lightened up version! Both sound great!