High Protein Oats

Per Bowl: Calories 312, Protein 24g, Carbs 33g, Fiber 6g, Sugar 3g, Fat 8g

You all know ya girl loves food right? Well she ain’t the biggest fan of breakfast. Oh I do love bacon and pancakes and toast and jam but anything that boarders on healthy Id rather pass. Since I have eat after my 5am workout, one of my go to breakfasts is High Protein Oats.

What makes them high protein? Well I’ll tell ya!

1/2 cup of Quick oats, 1/4 cup of egg whites, and a TBS of Hemp seeds
stir the Oats, Hemp seeds, and hot water until combined. Add uncooked egg whites and stir until combined.

Now I know what ya’ll are thinking. . . EEEEEEK!!! Raw egg whites?!! But they are pasteurized and safe to eat. You cant taste them and they make the oatmeal less dry and add more protein to your overall breakfast.

Stir that all up. You can add a TBS of pumpkin puree (shown in pic) if you want. I love the unique flavor and health benefits. Lastly I put Non-dairy coconut whip cream. . . sooo good!!
If it isnt sweet enough add one packet of a sugar free sweetener.

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