Finally Got an Air fryer!

Is it just me or is every recipe I see these days using an air fryer? I wanted to see what all the hype was about so I finally broke down and got one.

I get so excited when things arrive in the mail and this baby right here got here fast!

I paid about $40 for it with free shipping so not too bad and as I opened it and learned how to use it I was very excited to cook in it.

It is big, so storing it kinda sucks. But its so easy to use and I dont think getting anything smaller than a 3.4 Qt is wise because you wouldn’t be able to cook much in it.

Once you plug it in, it lights up and you press the selection button (shown below) and it changes the settings to the little food pictures. Each one changes the temp and cook time. If you want to use your own settings you can manipulate the temp and time with the + and – buttons. EASY!

The air fryer automatically turns off and beeps when its done cooking. No burning down the house here!

First thing I threw in here were some hash browns. They came out good great and took about 10 mins. Lot easier than babysitting a pan on the stove.

Later that day we grilled some chicken so I tossed some veggies in oil and salt and threw them into the air fryer. These were so good and Im NEVER cooking them on the stove again. . . EVER! Special mention for those zucchini and squash down there, so good.

I just got this a couple days ago so I havent had a chance to make much. Ill post as I get more advance with it. Maybe Ill make some of the stuff thats in the cute recipe book it came with 🙂


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1 Response

  1. Margaret Griffin says:

    Thanks for the share. We love our air fryer and do a lot in it!!